This week we had the opportunity to do some service at a member's home. Serving others really increases the love you have for that person. It's an opportunity to put aside pride on either side and just work together toward a common goal. Having that unified purpose is really what brings people closer. And it's really good to be close to the members. It's honestly through the members that missionary work occurs. The missionaries are trained to teach, but the members are the ones who find the people to be taught! =)
We went out with a member to go visit one of our investigators. We were all excited because she would have the opportunity to bear her testimony and teach along with us, but the investigator didn't show. It seems he totally forgot about our appointment. The member was so good-natured about it though! She was excited to try try again. We went to see a less-active family with her, and the less-active family said "We're not interested right now, but pray for me and my family." and shut the door. Sister Williams was like "well, we tried!" and we talked about the faith to pray and to hope that lost sheep will eventually return to the fold.
Things with Mr. Sutton are going great! Since his favorite, Sister Lawrence, is really busy now with nursing school, we quested about for a new friend. Brother Mogk and Sister Mogk were totally willing to come, so we invited them. Gayle knows the Bible frontwards and backwards, and knows the truths of the gospel instinctively because he has prayed and read with such real intent to understand. We're so excited for him. He still wants to read the entire Book of Mormon before he will be baptised. So we invited him to just start. He read six whole chapters!! Yesterday we had an amazing lesson about obedience and modern day prophets. We talked about the things that he had read, and about authority. He's really coming to understand that this IS the church of Jesus Christ that was established while Christ was on the earth. He says things like, "and that's why you're here. You're taking the gospel to everyone." and we say, "yes! yes that is!" He also wants to read about Joseph Smith, and basically asked us for the Doctrine and Covenants! We gave him a conference talk to read, and he is so excited to read it. We can't WAIT until we see him next time. =) We continue to pray that he may receive the answer that these things are true by the Holy Ghost. We know hecan receive that answer, especially as he continues to learn.
We had a lesson with a new investigator, Reggie, on Wednesday. We had two members lined up to go, who both canceled that morning. So we texted Sister Hartshorn like 30 minutes before the lesson (it was at 11am) and she was like "let me put some shoes on!" and came to our rescue.
We taught Reggie the Restoration while sitting out on the grass in the beautiful daylight. We taught him about modern prophets and the Book of Mormon. we invited him to read. Sister Hartshorn bore her personal testimony and invited him out to church. I was really worried, because this was the first first lesson I had ever taught, but Sister Dodds says it was good. =) We're excited to see him again. he canceled our lesson we were supposed to have today, but he did say his mother and son were coming into town and he has a lot to deal with. We're excited to see him again! He has faith in Jesus Christ, and he tells us about how his mother raised him in righteousness. We're excited for him to learn more and add on to what he already knows and lives. =)
We're trying to start working with another less active, Sister Jae. She has a strong testimony, and love loves loves her family, just something is holding her back from church attendance.
We tried to see Judy the other day, the Ambridge's 70-year-old friend who sprained her leg while dancing a few weeks ago. She wasn't home, but we will try try again! =)
We saw Sister Olenick on Friday. It was her birthday ( =D ) so we brought her cookies. Those cookies turned out awesome, if I do say so myself. She had just had surgery, so she wasn't moving very fast, so we decided to just take it nice and easy with the lesson and talk about scripture study. Sister Rock came with us, and came about 20 minutes into the discussion. She immediately started asking Sarah about her conversion story, inviting Niah to read the Friend and go to activity days, and exhorting Sarah to prepare to go to the temple! Apparently that's exactly what she needed, too. But from Sister Rock, not from us.
On Saturday, we swung by to see Shirley and invite her to church again. When we drove up, she was working on her hedges. So in proselyting clothes and everything, we all attacked those hedges and got them done. We talked to her a little bit while we worked about why we are missionaries and what we do as missionaries. She's so sweet, and we're excited to talk to her more. Brother Wright is planning to invite her over to dinner, and have us over at the same time! =)
We had dinner with the Nolan's on Saturday, too. They are so great. Sister Nolan served a mission in Chile, and Ricky is 14 and just going into 9th grade. They are so funny. Sister Nolan is also an amazing chef, wow! The food was so-o-o good! She grows tomatoes, so she sent us home with some. She has a really strong testimony and is excited to do missionary work. =)
We met with our new ward mission leader on Sunday! His name is Brother Olsen and boy is he excited about his new calling! We had an hour-and-a-half long meeting after church yesterday to talk about all of his ideas for the ward. =)
We had dinner with the Krums yesterday too, and we got to talk about our experiences with Gayle. They were so excited about it too! Brother Krum showed off a veneered cabinet he's working on. Veneer is not a concept I have ever thought about in my life! I love the members here. they are so excited about life and missionary work! They are generous and kind. They are honest, too. They'll tell ya exactly what they think. =)
We dropped by the Puertos twice this week just to read the Book of Mormon with them. They have strong testimonies of Jesus Christ, we're just working on helping them return to church.
It's an exciting time here in Kempsville, a lot is going on. We're trying to ignite the fire of service in the hearts of those who are less-active, to bring them again into the loving fold. Look for those people who need a friend. It's more important than I would have ever thought. Because a friend is someone who can share with you their testimony, their experiences, their love and their service.
Sister Dodds is teaching me so much! I was a bit discouraged because notevery person we invited came to church yesterday, and some people just don't seem to be progressing at all, even though missionaries have been working with them for years. She told me that we just need to keep loving them, to act toward them like the Savior would to us. He wouldn't give up on us, so we must never ever give up on them. We just have to hold out hope that one day they will come back.
I love you all! remember to always have hope in Jesus Christ, your Savior. He was tried and tempted and felt discouragement too. but would He give up? Never!
Love, Sister Moore