Christmas was super great! Sister C, who went on a mission herself, set up Skype for us and our families and then we had a wonderful Christmas dinner with her and her family. It was a really great day! We spent the morning with Jeanette and her family playing fun card games. :D
We saw a really great miracle this week! We invited a member to come out with us to see Jeanette and her family, and he invited her whole family over for dinner! It's so great to be able to teach in a member's home, because the Spirit is strongly present and they all get to bear their testimonies, to help those we are teaching learn. I am so grateful for that miracle. :)Monday, December 28, 2015
December 28, 2015- and a Happy New Year!
December 21, 2015- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! Merry happy holiday with family and fun! :D Whether it be really cold or quite warm, enjoy the wonderful day on which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!
This week we had a sister's preparation day in Great Bridge, it was really fun. :) We did a white elephant gift exchange and drank hot chocolate. It was rainy and wet, but like really warm outside too. So weird.December 14, 2015- Dear Friends,
I want to start off my email with a scripture. This scripture has been coming to mind all week. It is found in the Doctrine and Covenants. As Jesus Christ was organizing His church on the earth in the 1800's, Joseph Smith had questions of how he was to do it. The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of his questions, and revelations from Heavenly Father.
Doctrine and Covenants 6:33-34 "Fear not to do good...Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good..."
So we got really sick with a nasty cold this week and it has been awful. We've kept on trucking but STILL. We completely lost our voices, starting with me, on Wednesday and they STILL aren't back entirely. GAH! Missionary work is talking. Drat you, Satan!
December 7, 2015- Holiday Time!
If ya'll didn't get a chance to watch the Christmas Devotional, you totally should. :) It was great. broadcasts/watch/first- presidencys-christmas- devotional/2015/12?cid=HP_SU_ 12-6-2015_dPFD_fMLIB_xLIDyL1- C_&lang=eng
This past week we went to Walmart! That was so exciting. :)
You know I've been thinking a lot about the "how" of the gospel this weekend. We had our monthly testimony meeting yesterday, where ward members get up (if they feel so inclined) and share their belief in Christ with the congregation. A lot of them say that they "know" but they don't say "how" they know.
The Restoration of the Gospel
Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Of this experience, he said:
“I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. …
“When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—
This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
In 1820, as He had done throughout history, Father in Heaven again chose a prophet to restore the gospel and the priesthood to the earth. That prophet’s name was Joseph Smith. As a young man, Joseph was confused by the differences among the many churches in his area and wanted to know which church was right. Knowing he lacked wisdom, he followed the counsel found in the Bible, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5).“I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. …
“When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—
This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Joseph Smith decided to ask God what he should do. When Joseph prayed to know the truth, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. Jesus told Joseph not to join any of the churches, for “they were all wrong” and “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof” (Joseph Smith—History 1:19).
As God had done with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and other prophets, He called Joseph Smith to be a prophet through whom the complete gospel was restored.
November 30, 2015- What a wonderful week!
Tuesday we were going about trying to find people to see and teach and we were not having a lot of success. It was about 2 in the afternoon and yet again no one was opening their doors. We saw a girl down the street putting up some Christmas decorations, so we went and asked her if she needed any help. She let us help her wrap some ribbon around their light post. We talked to her and got to know her a little better, and learned about how much she loves decorating! She said, "You wanna see the decorations inside the house?"
So we went inside, and saw all her amazing decorations. She is really good! Her name is Jeanette. :) We shared the Restoration with her and she loved it! She said that she would be baptized if she knew it were true. Wow!
Also, check this out! christmas?cid=HP_SU_11-29- 2015_dMIS_fSPC_xLIDyL1-A_
Friday we had district meeting, and then we saw the Flippos, and then we went to the edge of the earth! AKA Windsor, Virginia.
It is really far away and requires lots of miles. We had the miles to spare and we really wanted to go, so we made it a "Windsor day". We went out and saw as many people as we could. The first person we met wasn't interested, so we went down the street and knocked at a door and they let us right in. We shared the message of the Restoration of the gospel and James asked, "Why doesn't everyone know about this?" Great question, James, great question. That's why there are missionaries! So everyone can know and receive the opportunity to ask if it's true! And if it's true, what then? They have the opportunity to act on the knowledge that they receive.
We met this amazing lady named Sister B. She has not come to church for a while and has had a rough life lately. She was baptized only 5 or so years ago but knows a lot about the church. We had an amazing lesson with her and her boyfriend. She is wonderful. I know that if she really decided to, that she'd come back in a flash. We are hoping to go and see them again!
We visited all the active members in Windsor, because we don't know them as well. They are all wonderful people. :) We discovered that Sister P has a 3D printer! That was so fun. Sister T has had a really hard year. :( Sister W is Sister B's visiting teacher (she goes and visits her every month and makes sure she's doing okay). We expressed Sister B's thanks for all that Sister W does. I really love getting to know the people!
Saturday was so crazy amazing!
So we had another appointment with Jeanette, so we were going to see people who lived nearby right before. We made a return appointment with one lady (also named Tiffany), and we were walking down the street when we saw a couple and a little girl working on putting out Christmas decorations. We asked if we could help, and they declined. We told them who we are and what we do. "We serve ya'll, so if you need your lawn mowed or help with dishes or anything..." I said.
"Wait wait wait -" said the man. "So you're telling me if I said yes, you would mow my lawn in dresses and flats?"
"Yes," Sister Lundquist and I said simultaneously.
He was dumbstruck by that. He started asking us all these questions, and after a while we offered to share our message with him. "Do you want to know why we do what we do?"
We shared the Restoration with them, and he was intently listening. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he said "I'm going to read this, from cover to cover!" "I've never seen an index like this..." It was so cool! His name is Matthew and his wife's name is Ashley, and we're going to be dropping back by this week!
We taught Jeanette and her mother, Anna about the Book of Mormon. It was so cool! We told them about how it takes place here, and Jeanette got so excited. She was looking at the pictures and she was like "this is Mexico!"
We invited Anna to pray at the end, and she prayed in Spanish and it was so powerful. :) Wow! I am so excited for them! They said they were going to come to church, but they didn't :(
We saw the Fountains that night and shared a thought with them. They have so many friends they want to share the gospel with! We're excited to help them!
There were some other things that happened this week but mostly that's everything. This is literally the Lord's work, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:9) and I am so grateful to be here, and to be an instrument in His hands in helping those around me.
I love ya'll!
Sister Moore
November 23, 2015- Service Softens Hearts
Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!
This week has been so busy and so full of miracles! Haha sometimes some of our plans were a bust, but that's okay.
On Wednesday we had this idea where we would go out in our jeans with rakes and offer to rake people's lawns. We had a few potential investigators in mind to offer to help, but one of them was about to leave for someplace, and the other's lawn was immaculate. So we went around looking for random people's lawns to rake and everyone had already raked. Man!
This week has been so busy and so full of miracles! Haha sometimes some of our plans were a bust, but that's okay.
On Wednesday we had this idea where we would go out in our jeans with rakes and offer to rake people's lawns. We had a few potential investigators in mind to offer to help, but one of them was about to leave for someplace, and the other's lawn was immaculate. So we went around looking for random people's lawns to rake and everyone had already raked. Man!
But that afternoon we went to Smithfield main street and taught Dee! Dee is the one we helped put decorations out with. We taught her in her quaint little shop next to the reindeer display and open shop door about the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. We invited her to be baptized if she knew it was true, and she said, "I will need to pray about it." Wow! We're going to see her again this Wednesday!
We had dinner at Sister D's, and at the end of our little spiritual thought we asked if there was anything we could do for her. She said, kind of jokingly, "yeah, wash my windows for me." We laughed and we were like, "of course, what day?" And she was like, " are you serious?" and we were like "yeah!" So we set up a time to come over and wash them!
Thursday was so great, we had all these plan for the afternoon but ended up doing something completely different. We met a woman named Ragini waiting at the bus stop for her child to get home from school. We offered to share our brief message and she said yes. So we said a prayer right there and shared part of the Restoration in about 3 minutes. We asked her about her faith in God, and also invited her to be baptized if she knew it were true. She said, "Well yes, but I'd want to know more first..." So we set up another appointment with her! "Well, I'm always at the bus stop on weekdays," she said. Sadly, she wasn't there on Friday. :( But we're going to see her again! She said she'd even bring her friend, next time, too!
We're still working with Ethan, and helping him prepare to be baptized on the 19th. He is SO CUTE. We were talking to him about the Sacrament on Thursday night, and wordlessly, he went to his stash of church books and found a picture of the Sacrament and showed it to us. He is so so cute. We're so excited for him!
Oh, that day we also saw Sarah again! She wasn't there when we went back for our appointment. She was walking in the neighborhood with her kids and we said hi. It was neat, we were actually planning on walking to her house to see her and then suddenly there she was. The promptings of the Spirit are a real thing ;) So we asked her if she read the pamphlet and she was like "yeah" and we said "well do you have any questions" and she said, "Well the only thing I'd have questions or doubts about would be Joseph Smith" and we were like "Well, what are your questions?' and she was like "isn't there a scripture about no more prophets after Jesus Christ?" and we said "Well, we don't know we'll look it up. :) But we do know that we have prayed and asked and we know for ourselves that Joseph Smith was called of God to be a prophet. We know that the Book of Mormon is true, and we know that this is the church of Jesus Christ established on the earth today." At the beginning of our conversation, she was like "well, I'm in and out so there's not really any good time to catch me" and at the end she was like "actually, I'm home most of the time". It was so amazing to see that change in her. We know she felt the Spirit as we talked.
Friday we washed Sister D's windows and it was so fun. :) That afternoon we went to see Krystal! So Krystal is the lady who we miraculously met last week. So it seems like that inbetween the last time we saw her somebody has been telling her negative things about the church. We shared the Restoration and she brought up a few concerns she had about church history and Joseph Smith. But just like with Sarah we said, " All we can do is invite. Will you pray and ask if this is true? It is either true, or it is not." She said she would. Then we said, "We know that it is true. We know Jesus Christ changes lives. We know you can find out for yourself that this is His truth and what He wants you to do."
After the closing prayer, we noticed a hamper of clean clothes. We asked, "hey, can we help you fold your laundry?" She was hesitant at first but we insisted. :) Then she was like," Hey, if you really want to help me I actually need some help back here" So we followed her to her pantry and helped her reorganize it. She was really thankful. I know that service softens hearts! No matter what things she might have heard about us, we believe in Christ and we are doing our best to be like Him. I know that this is His church and I know that this gospel is true. As I've read the Book of Mormon I've come to know and love my Savior. It has prompted me to want to read the Bible and to learn more about His life. I love Jesus Christ. :)
This is His work!
There were a lot more things that happened this week, but I'm running out of email time for today! Just know that I love ya'll and I am so glad I know each and every one of you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Sister Megan Moore
November 17, 2015- You Can Do It!
WOW this week was amazing.
So Monday was full of amazing things, we got to see Kristin again and talk to her about the Book of Mormon. The first thing she said when we handed it to her was, "wow, I'm going to read this!"
Her name is Gail and she is super funny. She said she knew everything we shared was true, but wasn't willing to pray about it, meet with us again, or "commit to anything." Interesting. She knows the choice she needs to make, but she just wants to think about it. We invited her to be baptized, but again she said she didn't want to commit.
Friday was district meeting, which is always great. And then we saw the F's like we do every Friday. :) Brother F is loving his new job. We talked with them about the example of Ammon.
That night, we had exchanges, and Sister Kunzler came here to be with me! Wow! It was so fun. :) While walking in to the apartment we saw a guy working on his motorcycle so we stopped to talk with him. We said "hi, how are you doing?" and the first thing he said was "All right, all right already, I will go get my phone right now and watch the video!"
His name is Mike and we've actually met and talked with him multiple times, haha. To our credit, he had a motorcycle helmet on, and I remembered his name after we started talking with him. So we watched "Because He Lives" right there on his phone outside in the cold. He liked it. He had lots of questions for us. He said if he was around he'd actually like to talk with us. Wow! The miracles of following up!!
Saturday, Sister Stoecker invited us to come to the Farmer's Market. So Sister Kunzler and I went and there were so many people to talk to we didn't know what to do with ourselves! We walked around, talking with people, and inviting them to hear our message. It was fun, because we had lots of meaningful, good conversations with people. We met two guys named Ronny and Will who had come down for the antique farmer's market from New York. We also met two gals in one of the shops who were visiting from Virginia Beach, and they said they'd love to watch the video we left with them. It was a fun, yet tiring day! Sister Kunzler and I had to sample the Dill Pickle Peanuts because, after all, we served in the pickle capital of NC together. :D
They weren't half bad, just a little spicy.
That night, we exchanged back (after eating a ridiculous amount of Bojangles chicken...) and Sister Lundquist and I went and saw the Evers. So we didn't have an appointment for the nighttime so we called them and asked if we could come see them. At first she said it wouldn't work out, maybe another night. Then later she called us back and said actually, yes, we could come. So we went. As we were pulling up, Elder Hatfield literally had his hand in the air to knock on their door. "WAIT!" We shouted. "We have an appointment!"
We felt kinda bad...but what are you gonna do, you know?
we love the Evers! We shared a message on the Book of Mormon, and Tyler said, "actually, on Friday I was talking to my friends on the bus about what we believe and my friend Daily seemed interested so I said I would get her a Book of Mormon."
So we gave him one to give away and it was so cool. Sister Evers was like "Heavenly Father definitely knew we needed a message tonight because I felt prompted to call you back. Perhaps it was just so Tyler could have a copy to give away!"
Heavenly Father is amazing! I love Him. :)
Yesterday was really neat, one of the general authorities came and visited our mission. We had a huge conference in Virginia Beach. We met in the Kempsville chapel, my first building! Ah, the memories! I was so excited and happy as we drove into town. "So-and-so lives down this road!" I kept saying to Sister Lundquist. "That's nice...?" she would say. Hahaha :) It was so fun.
Well I love ya'll so much!!! Have a wonderful week!
Keep on keeping on!
Oh, and so the title of my email. We went to shake Elder Arnold's hand at the end of the conference and he looked me right in the eyes and said "You can do it." These men truly are called of God, I know it! I love this work, it is the Lord's work. I hope ya'll see the hand of the Lord in your lives today and look for opportunities to share this gospel, that makes us so happy, with others!
Sister Moore
November 9, 2015- Follow Up Follow Up Follow Up! :)
This week has been so busy and so full of miracles. :)
On Monday we got to spend time with Sister S. It was rainy so we stayed inside and played board games. :) It was a fun way to spend an afternoon!November 2, 2015- Hey Ya'll!
This past week has been so crazy choc-full of miracles it's insane. :D Greenie miracles are a real thing!
Wednesday morning, bright and early, we woke up and headed out to the Portsmouth chapel for our training meeting. I stayed with the Franklin sisters, Sister Lowry and Sister Evans, for Monday night and Tuesday. Sister Lowry is training, too!
The ward Halloween party was on Friday and it was so fun! A lot a lot of people came! A lot of members brought their friends, so we were able to introduce ourselves to them. One family in particular, Sean&Heather, seem really prepared! They said they are awful busy so it'd be hard to come visit, but we have a good feeling about them! Would ya'll pray for them, that we'll be able to meet with them?
Then we saw the Flippos that night and talked to them about the Book of Mormon as well. They are wonderful! Brother Flippo likes to hunt, and he says that when he catches a deer he will share deer meat some with us! I'm excited. :)October 26- Going Green
Hey ya'll, so I am training!
I haven't really had time to think about it yet. Heavenly Father, over this past week, has kinda been preparing me, though. I've had a feeling, and everyone else has been telling me, that I would be training. Training means that I am responsible for helping a brand-new missionary adjust to missionary life. It's a big task!
Prayers would be appreciated, haha. :)
So today is Sister Jeppson's last day. We are finishing up a few final things, and this afternoon she is going to the mission home. It's so crazy!
This past week we've been running around like crazy, too. We have no miles to our name and so figuring out how to get from place to place has been an adventure. It's been a neat week, though.
I haven't really had time to think about it yet. Heavenly Father, over this past week, has kinda been preparing me, though. I've had a feeling, and everyone else has been telling me, that I would be training. Training means that I am responsible for helping a brand-new missionary adjust to missionary life. It's a big task!
Prayers would be appreciated, haha. :)
So today is Sister Jeppson's last day. We are finishing up a few final things, and this afternoon she is going to the mission home. It's so crazy!
This past week we've been running around like crazy, too. We have no miles to our name and so figuring out how to get from place to place has been an adventure. It's been a neat week, though.
Monday we had a sister's preparation day where we all went to the mission home and carved pumpkins. It was so fun!
Tuesday we finally got to see Kristin! Remember the gal that I awkwardly talked to while backing Sister Jeppson in the car? Well, we finally were able to meet with her. She had a lot of questions for us, and we feel like she is seeking answers for herself, as well! We really felt the Spirit and felt guided by the Spirit as we taught. It was so amazing. She says that she is looking for a church, and every time we would explain something, she would say, "I like that." or smile. Kristin is amazing! It is truly a miracle to be able to know her. :)
Wednesday we saw another miracle! We were calling people who had talked to missionaries in the past, and we called this man named Robert. He is going through a lot of trial in his life and we promised him that our message would be able to help him. He invited us to come and to share our message with him. When we first walked in, his little 4-year-old boy was bouncing off the walls and the TV was loud and blaring. We invited him to turn the TV off and we prayed with him to open the meeting. By the end, the Spirit was definitely there, and the little boy had calmed down. We testified of Joseph Smith and the powerful peace that would come into his life as he read and prayed about the Book of Mormon. It was so amazing!
Haha, we had a funny experience that night. We went to visit the Hunters with Rachel and the Elders dropped by with the Hunters home teacher at the same time! Haha :)
We've been able to see lots of other people and have wonderful experiences this week inbetween packing and preparing. Heavenly Father's hand is in this work! He loves us and knows what we need and how to help us. I know that we can be guided by the Spirit in all that we do as we read the scriptures, and pray often.
Sister Moore
October 19, 2015- Helping at a Wedding
Hello everyone! This week we started off with a lot of appointments scheduled, but everything fell through. The people we are teaching are having a really hard time lately. :(
On Tuesday we had exchanges, and I went to Great Bridge with Sister Beifuss and Sister Bohn. We had so much fun! =D That evening we had dinner with a former mission president couple. They are so cool. We got to talk missionary work and it was all around fun. Then we went tracting. That was fun too! We just went from house to house inviting others to listen to our message. We met this kind lady from New York and talked to her for a couple of minutes. I love talking with everyone. :)
Sunday was wonderful, I came home from church really feeling filled. I know that the Sabbath day was given to us for a reason! I love the things I get to learn at church from the Spirit. I learned that perseverance to do things that are hard for us actually, over time, makes weaknesses become strengths. (see Ether 12:27) I love this church and I love this gospel!
Sister Megan Moore
Wedding! =D
October 13, 2015- Hello Everybody!
This week we were heading out for the night to go visit people, and as per missionary rules, I was backing Sister Jeppson while standing outside of the car. This is kind of a funny sight to people who don't know what we're doing. There was a lady cleaning out her car right next to us and as I was backing I just started talking.
"haha, just backing her. part of the missionary rules," I said.
This week we've gotten to visit Sister B a few times, and she did service at Souper Saturday too. She is so great. There are so people you just love and she is one of them! She is turning her life around and I am so excited to see her grow. :)
Monday was Columbus day, so no emailing, but we did go play games with the Flippos for a few hours, so that was really fun. :D
Something I've learned a lot about this week is the power of the scriptures. The Book of Mormon is true, and it changes lives!
I love ya'll so much and I hope you have a great week!
Sister Moore
October 5, 2015- General Conference!
Hello everybody! Just to let ya'll know, Hurricane Joaquin went out to sea, so happily he has not caused a problem here in Smithfield. I thought it was interesting that it shares a name with the valley of my origin! =D So I took a liking to the swirling mass of destruction. Odd, huh?
Anyway, hello! General Conference was amazing! I hope ya'll had a chance to watch/listen to it, and if you haven't yet, go back and watch it! I really loved all the talks and after it ended I just wanted to listen to more! I know, I know, I'm silly. I loved Elder Stevenson's talk. He talked about feeling inadequate, and as a missionary I feel that every day! I know that the Lord will make up for the rest. :) I also really liked President Uchtdorf's talk, and President Nelson's. I love general conference and I can't wait to get the talks in print!September 28, 2015- Cotton-Pickin' Missionaries
Smithfield is amazing- I love getting to meet all the wonderful people here. This week we've met quite a few! The ward is so great.
On Wednesday we were out and about trying to find people to teach. We were trying to find a particular house and suddenly Sister Jeppson said, "wait, you mean that house?" It turns out that the person we were trying to find was next door neighbors with our ward mission leader, Brother S.September 21, 2015- Welcome to Smithfield!
Hey everybody! So the week of transferring to a new area is always crazy. Monday and Tuesday were full of packing and goodbyes. It's hard to leave an area I love so much!
Wednesday was the day - I finished packing up and then we were off! We rode up to Greenville where we got to hurry up and wait for the transfer van. ;) When it finally arrived, I was off on a 4-hour journey to Portsmouth, VA.
On Friday I met the Brother and Sister F, they are so cool! Brother F introduced Sister F to the gospel, and they have such a sweet story. I also got to meet Brother and Sister T.
On Sunday I met lots and lots of members of the Smithfield ward! So many my head is still spinning from it. =) Hopefully I'll get all these names down soon.
To finish off I just want to share a thought from my studies this morning:
Alma 33:23 And now, my brethren, I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell even so nourish it by your faith. And behold, it will become a tree, springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this can ye do if ye will. Amen.
I know that as we do all we can do nourish our faith, we will have joy and hope unto salvation! I love you all so much! Keep being amazing and thank you for being such examples to me!
Sister Megan Moore
September 14, 2015- Transfer Time Again!
This past week has been so crazy full of miracles!
Alicia is doing really well. We taught her twice this last week and she is praying about when she feels she should get baptized. Her son, Ian, had a great experience at church. He loves the youth in our ward and feels really welcomed. He wants to be baptized too! They are amazing. =)
Friday was so cool! Both wards honored the first responders by hosting a lunch for them. We were at the church half the day, preparing, helping, and cleaning up. It was SO fun!
That night we went to the Garden Spot festival in La Grange, to try and see a potential investigator named Susie. However, right before we went it POURED. We decided to drive by anyway, and a lot of people were still there. We sloshed through the mud and puddles (in my poor dress shoes :( ) and had a fun time talking to people. =)
September 8, 2015- Sea Turtles are My Favorite Animal
Hello everyone, this week was a blast! We have been so busy it's unbelievable...
Monday night we had dinner with the Andersons, and I tried my first ever turkey meatloaf. It was actually really good. It was something she just "threw together" but was the most gorgeous dish I have ever seen. Some people have talent! They invited their close friend, Nadine, to dinner. For the thought we shared at the end we read a story from the Book of Mormon. It was a neat way to share some of the gospel with her!
Someone we taught is having a really hard time and we listened to all the difficult things she is experiencing and I cried. =( Then, one of my FAVORITE MEMBERS, had a heart attack Wednesday afternoon. He's in the hospital now, recovering. Please, please, pray for him. His name is Brother Baysden. I love their family so much. They need prayers.
Then we had a happy time with Debra J and Nancy, those we sweet, Spirit-filled lessons that made up for the bad. What a crazy day.
Debra came to church! It made me so happy. =) In Zone meeting on Friday they asked us to all think of people who we wouldn't normally think of who might be ready for baptism. People who have come for years, or family members - and we actually had Debra's daughter come to mind. Debra has been hinting at wanting her daughter to learn more, and we are excited to try to teach her!
I love this gospel and I love this work! I love the happiness and joy and light that comes into people's lives as the accept it and live it. I know that it is true and that it truly blesses people. I love love love getting to share it with everyone. Hurrah for the Virgina Chesapeake mission! Hurrah for the members of Kinston, North Carolina! Hurrah for my wonderful friends and family members who I love so much! Thank you for your prayers and for your support. You are wonderful! I hope you have a very very blessed day!
Sister Megan Moore
PS We went to the aquarium for our sister's preparation day. It was really fun! I think I love sea turtles. I saw all this "save the turtles" stuff. It was a good thing I forgot my wallet...
August 31, 2015- Need More Miles
So as missionaries we only have so many miles we can drive a month (car contract stuff) and we were running low this week...
We've been praying all week, "please help us to work hard". And it's been fun! Quite a few members have come out with us and we've had some neat experiences.
On Tuesday we went out with Sister C and got to visit a less-active sister and brighten her day. Sister C is the smiliest, nicest, sweetest person, so she's amazing to take to visit people! As we were driving back, she said, "Hey, would you like to visit my best friend's aunt Fannie?"We've been praying all week, "please help us to work hard". And it's been fun! Quite a few members have come out with us and we've had some neat experiences.
We saw the Tinneys that night - they are so cute! Sister Tinney told us some fun stories and we shared some scriptures on hope. We love visiting them! Sister Tinney loves to cook and bake. Coming up on the 11th the wards are doing a dinner for all the first responders in the area, and the wards are making lots of cakes. Sister Tinney heard about this from her daughter and demanded to be signed up! Making food and cake is one of her most favorite things. =D I love her!
Also on Tuesday night, it was 8:30 and we needed to see somebody. We couldnt just head home early! =D So we stopped by a member's house who we didn't know so we could meet them. We knocked and all these yap-yap dogs started barking and this woman started shouting at them and slamming doors. Sister Rawlings and I looked nervously at each other. The ruckus calmed down a little bit, and we knocked again. The dogs started freaking out again. More yelling. After a few minutes, it didnt seem like she was going to answer the door, so we made a hasty exit. ;P
Wednesday we taught Alicia again. She is doing so well! She is already reading from the Book of Mormon. She says there is a lot she doesn't understand, but she knows she feels peace as she reads, and that understanding will come through prayer and more study. Alicia is wonderful! She came to church on Sunday and Sister B took her under her wing and helped her get where she needed to go. We talked to Alicia afterwards and she said that she felt like church was familiar, even though she hasn't been in many years, and that she felt comfortable there. She said "I've been to so many different churches. At some I feel comfortable, and some I don't. I feel comfortable here." I'm so excited to continue to work with her! =D Shes amazing.
We went out with Sister O that afternoon. We were supposed to see Barbara but she wasn't home. So we chose someone nearby to see. We got there at exactly the right time to catch Alicia (a different Alicia) as she was waiting to pick up her kids.
On Thursday Sister D gave us a ride to get my glasses fixed, and another Sister D gave us a ride and fed us dinner. We've really been blessed this week, as I look back, with members helping us. Heavenly Father made sure that we were still able to work even though miles were low!
Thursday we dropped by Sister J and talked with her - she wasnt going to let us in because she was busy, but she loves talking to us so much that she relented and let us in. We committed her to come to church on Sunday - but she didnt come. =(
Friday was really fun! We had our missionary meeting where all the missionaries in the city meet together to get training and such. Sister Rawlings and I gave a training on studying as companionships each day. I think it went pretty good. =)
Then we went out to invite others to come unto Christ! We went to a pedestrian-busy street and walked around, handing out cards, and inviting people to listen to our message. We met lots of interesting people - we even ran into the Elders, because they stole our idea. Haha.
We met Ms Shirley and Daritt as we were walking around. They were hanging out outside of their apartment building,just enjoying the day. When we invited them to hear our message, they said sure.
So, standing there, we handed them pamphlets and shared our brief message. We emphasized that it really is all about Christ, and they understood a lot of what we shared. At the end, we asked if we could come and share more with them, and they declined. =( I just know that everyone needs the opportunity to hear what we have to share, and then its up to them. I know that what we share, and acting on the message, honestly blesses the lives of people for the better. I know that it can change people and help them become closer to Jesus Christ. I have seen more happiness, peace, and direction from living the gospel than with anything else. John 7:17 talks about this principle. I love that scripture. :)
On Saturday, we stopped by Sister J's again. She was practicing her bass guitar, probably for a performance on Sunday. We had a great visit with her, and committed her to come to church. I love her so much! I just wish that she would come! I know that she needs the light and peace that living the gospel brings. Maybe someday she will decide to come!
Sister Rawlings served here a few months ago, and while she was here she met a woman named Kenya. Kenya came to her mind the other day, so we called her. She remembered Sister Rawlings and we made an appointment to come by. She had forgotten, but she was at home, so we shared our message with her and invited her to pray about it and ask God if it was true. She said she would. Kenya is so sweet, I really hope that she decides to learn more! We're going back this week to share the Book of Mormon with her.
Sunday was SO STRESSFUL. We were completely out of miles, so much so that we went over getting home on Saturday night. Though I was sad, it was a blessing that our Saturday night appointments cancellled, because I don't know how that would have worked...
So Sunday morning, we have no way to church!!!!!!!!! That night and morning we tried our hardest to figure things out, but it was stressful.
However, Heavenly Father blessed us and we made it to our meetings. Whoo hoo! 6 hours of church is a lot, sometimes. Since we serve in two congregations and have a meeting before church, it ends up being an all-day thing! =P We asked a member if they could drive us home after, and she invited us to her home for lunch! Sister W is the best!!!!!
Then Sister S came and picked us up from our house and took us out to visit people all afternoon. Heavenly Father really does take care of us, through the members here! We visited quite a few people, including another woman, Felicia, Sister Rawlings had met a few months ago. Then we came home, ate something, and crashed! It was a long Sunday. =D
I love all of you! I know that the Lord takes care of His people! I know He loves you and I know that this work is real. There is no possible way that things would just work out, turn out, come out, the way they do if this was not His work. I am so excited to keep working hard, and keep inviting. I love you all! Be a light on the hill, a city that cannot be hid, a candle on a hill this week and be an example of the believers for those around you. (Matthew 5:14)
You are loved!
Sister Megan Moore
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